Startup Tag

Equity vesting in startups is a critical concept for founders and employees to understand. It is a process by which ownership of a company is gradually transferred to an individual over time, typically in the form of stock options or restricted stock units (RSUs). The...

Being a startup, one of your most important assets is your brand and that brand is usually embodied in your startup name and logo. The valuable time that you invested in coming up with just the right creative name, developing the branding and marketing around...

Learning to read financial documents is one thing, but learning to use them as tools to guide the business and ultimately communicate clearly to 100+ investors has shown many entrepreneurs just how nuanced non-GAAP startup companies can be. In this post I’ll walk through the...

If you’ve ever taken the leap of starting your own business, you’ve likely experienced an emotional rollercoaster. Your business seems like it’s going well, and you’re on a high one moment. Then you encounter a setback, and you feel low the next moment. And, this...

Cash burn rate is a term startups need to know. It basically shows the average monthly costs or the rate at which your cash is being spent. Why is it important? Because it measures how fast your company is spending the available cash; it helps...

Ready to close your investment round? Five23 can help you close your investment round, no matter what stage. Built for StartupsSince our launch in early 2016, our focus has been you: The Startup. The goal of Five23 is to allow Startups and investors to have a better...